Over 80 Percent Say They’re Still Buying Green Despite the U.S. Economy
According to a recent survey by Green Seal and EnviroMedia, approximately four out of five people say they’re still buying green products and services, which often cost more – even in the midst of an economic downslide in the United States.
Green Seal, an independent nonprofit product certification organization, and EnviroMedia Social Marketing released their findings from the first-ever Greenwashing Forum in Portland, Oregon, hosted by the University of Oregon.
The survey, which was commissioned by Green Seal and EnviroMedia and conducted by Opinion Research Corporation, revealed that fifty percent of the 1,000 individuals surveyed said they are purchasing as many green products and services today as they were before the economic recession, while nineteen percent said they are buying more green products and services, and fourteen percent said they are buying less eco-friendly products and services.
The survey found that even in a sloppy economy, many consumers are still buying green products and recycling.
Also among the findings:
• Twenty-one percent of consumers say a product’s reputation is the biggest factor when deciding to make a purchase.
• Nineteen percent relied on word-of-mouth recommendations.
• Fifteen percent cited brand loyalty as the deciding factor.
• One in three consumers reported that they didn’t know how to tell if green product claims are true.
• One in 10 consumers said they trusts green product claims.
• Twenty-four percent of consumers polled said they are verifying green claims by reading the packaging, while seventeen percent said they researched products and services by going online and/or reading news and information.
• Eighty-seven percent of consumers surveyed said they recycle.
• Sixty percent of those surveyed said they look for minimally packaged goods.