Progressive Hoping To Plant One Million Trees
Progressive Insurance is on track to plant one million new trees in state and national forests across the country by going paperless – thanks to customers who have chosen correspondence from the insurance giant in the form of email rather than paper mail.
The company says that in 2008, customers enrolled in the paperless program sponsored the following replanting projects:
• Modoc National Forest – California/Oregon
133,905 Ponderosa Pine, Jeffery Pine, and Native Washoe trees were planted to replace those lost to recent wildfires. The trees will provide critical habitats for northern goshawk, osprey, great grey owls, and bald eagles.
• John M. Bethea State Forest – Florida
113,724 Longleaf Pine and Slash Pine trees were planted to replace those lost to fire. These trees will provide wildlife habitats for not only Florida Black Bears, but Red-Cockaded Woodpeckers and Bachman’s Sparrows too.
Progressive is also working with the Arbor Day Foundation on replanting projects in Georgia and South Carolina and, with more states to come; they say they won’t stop until they’ve planted at least one million trees!