Specialty Sleep Association Announces ‘Green Initiative’ to Establish First ‘Green’ Standards in Bedding Industry


bed2The Specialty Sleep Association (SSA) has recently announced the launching of the first mattress/bedding industry “Green Initiative.”

This step-by-step process is designed to identify, define and set standards for how mattress manufacturers and retailers label “green” for natural sleep products such as mattresses, box springs and pillows. The ultimate goal will be to create a certification program based on existing legitimate standards and programs, as well as sleep industry specific terms and standards for mattresses and bedding.

The SSA green standards initiative which kicks-off with an industry wide conference on May 8 is expected to identify and define a set of standards which are expected to be ratified by the summer of 2009.

This initiative will be the first time any American national mattress products industry group has created a standard.

For more info, visit SleepInformation.org.

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