The Challenging Task of Organic Gardening
Following a previous post about eco-friendly living that discussed the concept of organic gardening, it is important to acknowledge that there are many challenges when it comes to the topic of gardening. For example, when you consider the fact that many people live in high-rise apartments, there are not that many different choices available to people that might be interested in organic gardening. In fact, eco-friendly lifestyles might call for being self-sufficient on vegetables but when it comes right down to it unless you have some sort of community project going, getting a conventional garden together can be hard to do.
It is for this reason that people have come up with the idea of community concrete gardens. There are gardens that use companion planting and large pots to actually make themselves grow and because of that you definitely have the opportunity to raise a vegetable garden organically in a way that is not exactly the same as you might have come to believe was the only way possible from reading books and watching television. There are many different ways to look at organic gardening and a concrete garden is still eco-friendly while at the same time allowing you to expand your eco-friendly lifestyles into other areas without the benefit of having a backyard in which to promote your eco-friendly living.
How to Start an Organic Garden – 4 Simple Steps – The best video clips are here
[tags]high_rise_apartments, companion_planting, concrete_garden, watching_television, organic_gardening, vegetable_garden, lifestyles, pots, vegetables, challenges, benefit[/tags]