Clotheslines: The Original Solar Powered Tool

One of the interesting aspects to solar energy is that like wind energy, it doesn’t really get credit for everything that it does. When people grow crops, dry off after a day at the beach or walk outside on a windy day and enjoy the breeze, they are really making use of solar and wind energy, although in a way that does not allow it to show up in the statistics.

Well, another great thing about solar and wind energy is that you can do this with a lot of things that do show up in the statistics and first on that list has to be the drying of clothes. Dryers use up a ridiculous amount of energy and that translates into more money every month on your bill. If you use a clothesline on the other hand, you get your energy for drying free from the Sun and the final product is a lot fresher in its feel and scent than you could ever get out of using the dryer.

Like all great ideas, using a clothesline is so simple that in many ways it is really laughable. You might be laughing now and that laughing is likely to continue until you take a look at your first energy bill sans dryer costs and see how much money you end up saving.

For a closer look at a clothesline that comes in under $50.00, have a look here.

[tags]closer_look, clothes, clothesline, crops, day_at_the_beach, energy_bill, first_energy, how_much_money, solar_energy, statistics, sun, windy_day, wind_energy[/tags]

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