If you are looking for a product that really shows the power of renewable energy and its technological associates, the Freeplay LED Lantern might definitely be it. While everyone needs lighting of this kind with them on camping trips for late night trips to the loo as well as leisure activities like reading at night, many people tend to become frustrated with lanterns because the bulbs can burn out and the batteries might need to be replaced.

Well, this particular lantern uses LED light sources in clusters for the area illumination while at the same time employing the use of directional LED light sources in order to allow you to make those late night activities possible. It is also powered by the wind, allowing a quick minute long gust of wind to power the lantern at maximum capacity for a full two hours. If you make use of the dimmer switch or any of the lower settings, it can last a lot longer as well.
In this case, traveling green has not followed the lower lifestyle stereotype. In fact, traveling green has just taken your camping trip up a notch in terms of convenience. What more could someone ask from a product than being environmentally friendly, convenient and energy efficient? Well, at $49.99 it is also cheaper than a lot of other heavy duty camping lanterns on the market, making it a cheap purchase as well.
More info can be found here.
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