In Clover, which has developed easy-to-use, clinically-proven animal wellness products for dog and cats since 1996, has recently purchased wind credits which will cover the entire electrical use for the company’s Boulder, Colorado facility through Windsource, a voluntary renewable energy program.
By pairing up with Windsource, In Clover will be benefitting the environment in the following way:
• Carbon dioxide avoided: 4,886 lbs. CO2
• Miles not driven: 4,800
• Trees planted: 2/3 acre
On a daily basis, In Clover tries to be conscious of the company’s environmental impact and In Clover President Rebecca Rose hopes other companies will jump on board:
“By choosing clean, renewable wind-generated electricity for our business, we are reducing our carbon footprint and helping the planet. We will be posting a sign and hope others in our business complex follow our lead.”
In Clover reuses shipping pallets, boxes and packing material from the company as well as from other companies in the surrounding area. In Clover also consolidates shipping, combining requests for literature with a customer’s next order. The company avoids using certain packaging materials such as styrofoam and bubble wrap and only uses environmentally friendly cleaning products in their facilities.
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