InformationWeek, the anchor brand of the InformationWeek Business Technology Network, says it’s taking social responsibility for the carbon footprint of its’ InformationWeek Magazine by launching a full scale green initiative to minimize its effect on the environment.
As part of its’ new green initiative, the brand is launching “InformationWeek Green Issues” of the magazine. A total of four issues in 2009 will be available only as downloadable interactive PDFs for readers. In addition, the magazine intends to plant a tree for each of the first 5,000 downloads of each of the four issues in conjunction with American Forests, totaling 20,000 trees planted in 2009.
InformationWeek says it intends to go long term to completely offset the environmental impact in producing the magazine and believes that for the first few years, the offset of carbon production will be minimal, but by year ten, InformationWeek Magazine reports that it will be offsetting far more than its carbon production and will help reduce CO2 as a greenhouse gas.
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