There are many people in eco-friendly circles that will tell you that the only way to really be eco-friendly when it comes to transportation is to live a car-free life. In other words, your eco-friendly lifestyles will not be truly eco-friendly until you’ve gotten rid of your car in favour of something that is most environmentally friendly.
That’s fine, but the question that needs to be raised about that is whether it is actually possible to live a car-free life. There are many people that wouldn’t think so, especially if those people live in the suburbs of America which were developed on the premise that fuel would always be plentiful and cheap. Since that is no longer true, it could be the case that suburban life is no longer as sustainable as people may have once thought.
Whatever your final decision reached about that happens to be, you should know that it is indeed possible to live a car-free life. Of all of the different places in the country, California might be considered one of the places where having a car is essential. As EcoSpace informs us however, this is not exactly true.
[tags]circles, final_decision, lifestyles, one_of_the_places, premise, suburban_life[/tags]
Is it Really Possible to Live a Car-Free Life?…
There are many people in eco-friendly circles that will tell you that the only way to really be eco-friendly when it comes to transportation is to live a car-free life. In other words, your eco-friendly lifestyles will not be truly eco-friendly until y…