Solar Powered LCD Monitor from LG Electronics

Watch out LCD fanatics, there is a new LCD monitor in town and you can bank on solar power to help power it up. This is sure to help solve those rising energy bills from the usual energy consuming computer and thanks to the aggressive efforts of LG Electronics, you can now get these new 14.1 LCD monitors at computer stores for a more energy-efficient and eco-friendly way of living.

The panel uses selective reflection plates that exist in the backlight panels and the Backlight Data Signal Switching Technology to switch from reflective mode in high luminance setting, which is sunlight, to transmissive mode in low lights in indoors and at night. This panel is the first of its kind that easily switches from backlight use to outdoor reflective mode “with the touch of a button”.


[tags]LG Electronics, solar_power, LCD_monitor, eco-friendly[/tags]

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