Believe it or not, going green and staying there is actually a pretty easy things to do, but for those who need a little green grooming to get more involved with Mother Earth, here are 21 Green Tips to get a newbie rooted in the right direction:
1. Lower the thermostat.
2. Buy fruits and vegetables in season.
3. Turn off all lights and electronics when not in use and purchase energy efficient light bulbs.
4. Stop buying bottled water – or at least reuse the bottle before recycling.
5. Use low-flow faucets in the bathroom and kitchen.
6. Learn how to compost.
7. Consider using Zipcar whenever you travel.
8. Purchase used books instead of new – or save money by checking books out from your local library.
9. Use organic and eco-friendly cleaning products like laundry soap, baking soda and/or vinegar.
10. Buy a hybrid vehicle.
11. Purchase recyclable batteries.
12. Find uses for plastic food containers.
13. Consider reaping the benefits of FreeCycle.
14. Plant trees in your yard – or online!
15. Invest in green technologies and businesses.
16. Consider installing solar panels in your home and make improvements using green alternatives.
17. Get off junk mail lists and use the internet to reduce paper waste by paying bills online.
18. Plant a vegetable garden or a planter garden if you don’t have enough space.
19. Recycle as much as possible and be conscious of recyclable products and materials.
20. Keep doors airtight by using weather-stripping or caulk.
21. Buy green and eco-friendly gifts.
Can Eco-Friendly Tips readers think of other ways to go green?
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