We all know that having a home based business can help save money and also help the environment by decreasing carbon emissions from commuting, but there are other things we can do to save even more money and make an even bigger impact on the environment from our home offices.
These days, telecommuting has become a way of life for many – including yours truly! According to the U.S. Labor Department, over 12 million workers telecommute part time, while millions of us are running home-based businesses. According to a survey by World at Work, employed Americans who work remotely at least one day a month increased by 63 percent from 2004 to 2006, while the results of a 2007 survey by the Society of Human Resource Management showed that 56 percent of U.S. companies offered some form of telecommuting.
Even though environmental benefit of telecommuting includes reduced gas consumption, there are other things we can do while working from home that can help reduce our home energy use:
• Unplug or turn off unnecessary electronics and office equipment we might typically leave on 24 hours each day, like copiers, printers, fax machines and computers. Consider something like GreenSwitch, which helps home owners reduce energy consumption as much as 25% by using wireless technology that turns electrical outlets and light switches off to help save money and power.
• Unplug any battery chargers, cell phone chargers or power adapters when not in use.
• Make sure your office lighting is replaced with energy efficient or compact fluorescent light bulbs.
• Turn off lights and other electronics throughout your home while you are in your home office, particularly televisions, video game systems and stereos.
• Use a power strip for electronics and office equipment.
• Purchase 100% recycled paper for your printer and place used paper in a recycling bin.
• Make the most of natural light.
• Plants are a great way to decorate your office and they also convert carbon dioxide into oxygen to help purify the air.
• Shop for eco-friendly and recycled home office furniture and products.
Can Eco-Friendly Tips readers think of other ways to go green in the home office?
Melanie Turner
I also work from home and just being able to fix fresh food every day for lunch helps. Whether it’s left overs or simply pb&j, I don’t drive thru anywhere which reduces the amount of trash my lunch creates. Also, I don’t have to get coffee on my way into work in the morning since I just start the coffee-maker when I get up. Sure, it’s no Starbucks, but at least I’m not throwing away a gazillion cups every year!