If you’re the owner of a smart car and live in New York City, three New York City area parking companies – Meyers Parking, Icon Parking Systems and AviStar Airport Parking – recently announced they intend to offer 50 percent parking discounts to lucky smart fortwo owners.
The smart fortwo gets 31 city/41 mpg on the highway and at 8.8 feet long, 5.1 feet tall and 5.1 feet wide, it’s an ultra-low emission vehicle (ULEV) because of its extremely low exhaust emissions. The catalytic converter is positioned close to the engine for a quick response while an electric pump blows fresh air into the exhaust port when the engine is cold to almost completely oxidize the carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (HC) and render them harmless. The fortwo is also environmentally friendly and only water-soluble paints are used for the smart’s three basic colors – black, white and red, while the body panels are fully recyclable.
Interested smart fortwo owners can visit Icon Parking Systems at weparknewyork.com to sign-up for parking discounts that are being offered in the city. Icon’s Website features an interactive map of locations, detailed information about their exclusive Price and Space Guarantee, access to discount coupons for Broadway Theatres, Times Square and Madison Square Garden, and an online request form that allows new monthly customers to inquire about seasonal discounts, location-specific availabilities and reduced monthly rates for commuters, storage and other very small/mini cars.
AviStar Airport Parking is offering half price parking on the daily rate at both JFK and LaGuardia Airports. Customers wishing to take advantage of this special promotion are required to print a special coupon from airportcorporateparking.com and present it to the cashier at the time of payment.
For more information on the smart fortwo and other models, visit the website at smartusa.com.
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