TruGreen Goes Greener


As we spend more time enjoying our lawns, research shows that we as consumers are looking for environmentally responsible ways to care for our little patch of green. TruGreen, one of the largest providers of lawn care, is going greener with its debut of Targeted Lawn Care.

TruGreen’s advanced line-up includes:

TruNatural: A 100 percent natural, organic fertilizer

TruBlend: A blend of 100 percent natural, organic fertilizer and traditional fertilizer with Targeted Lawn Care weed control

Targeted Lawn Care: Customized lawn inspection at every application with new, proprietary technology that controls weeds only when and where needed

TruPerformance: A highly effective fertilizer with Targeted Lawn Care weed control

TruGreen’s programs are designed to be environmentally responsible, and make certain that products stay on lawns and out of our waterways. 

Kirk Hurto, Ph.D., TruGreen’s vice president of technical services, explained that being environmentally responsible is at the root of TruGreen’s new, innovative approach:

“We’re committed to reducing the use of pesticides, and our specialized TLC delivery system helps to ensure this reduction goal while still providing effective results. It’s doing the right thing for the environment – and for our customers.”

Hurto reinforces TruGreen’s commitment to educating do-it-yourself homeowners on responsible lawn care and offers the following lawn care tips:

• Mow correctly: Cut your grass frequently with a sharp-blade mower; keep the lawn high, only removing one-third of grass; and return clippings to the yard for added nourishment.

• Water properly: Adjust watering schedule and level based on the season; apply less in the rainy season and more in the drier months as needed; water early in the day to reduce loss from wind and evaporation.

• Plant health care: Understand a plant’s nutritional needs; identify lawn problems to avoid diagnosing and treating the problem incorrectly.

• Right plant, right place: Identify the right type of grass and plants for your region and your lawn to ensure greener, healthier turf and improved landscaping appeal; replacing un-adapted plants with the right plant enhances the value of your landscape.

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