If you really want to be eco-friendly, you have to treat the endeavour like fighting a vicious enemy. The enemy that you are going to be fighting will be carbon emissions and the goal that you ultimately have is to reduce your carbon footprint. The lower the footprint is, the better your eco-friendly lifestyle will be.
Now, the two major sources of eco-unfriendly emissions are your house and your car. Within the confines of your house, you actually use a lot more energy than you probably realize. Most of the energy use in the typical home comes from heating and cooling the property and this is also where most of the unknown energy is used. If you dressed warmly or coolly when you were inside your house, chances are pretty good that you can cut down on a lot of energy use. Eco-friendly products will only go so far, but making a simple change like dressing warmly during the winter can really start to make a dent in the energy use your house undergoes.
The car is likely something you are already familiar with. Many eco-friendly lifestyles can be lived without cars, but if you are not ready to get to that point yet then you should concentrate on cutting down how much driving you actually do. Drive efficiently, doing multiple tasks in one trip and you should be able to conserve some of your fuel. This is just one more way that you can stay eco-friendly in the long run.
[tags]carbon_emissions, energy_use, friendly_products, confines, endeavour, lifestyles, carbon_footprint, cars[/tags]
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