Eco-friendly Cleaners Required for Schools

Eco-friendly Cleaning Products

Schools now have to satisfy one requirement by law and this is the matter of having eco-friendly cleaners present when school commences. We all know for a fact that being eco-friendly in the school setting not only aims to educate children but also serve as a health option for kids who have to deal with the pains and issues regarding the controversial health risks that current real life situations concerned with overall health.

Hygiene is one important aspect and schools are ordered to make sure that their facilities are well-maintained and kept clean using eco-friendly products available in the market today.

With a nudge from a new state law, the rest of Illinois’ schools are preparing to follow District 205’s lead.

As supplies of window, floor and other cleaning solutions are tapped out, all districts will start putting in orders for their own nontoxic cleaning supplies to comply with the Illinois Green Clean Schools Act, which took effect in May. Only one other U.S. state — California — has adopted a similar measure so far.

“It’s a great transformation,” said Joe Zanoni, of the University of Illinois at Chicago’s school of public health.

Children with health conditions, such as asthma, are likely to experience immediate health benefits, he said. And he hopes the sweeping policy also will prompt more people to ask themselves: “What should I be doing differently at home?”

(Source) Southtown Star

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green thinking

Why not clean with some products you can feel good about (those which are environmentally safe, made from natural cleaning agents, free of toxic chemicals/phosphorus/bleach, and hypo-allergenic)? Kate and I tried Clorox Green Works products and we love them so far ($2.99-$3.39). Choose from All-Purpose Cleaner, Glass & Surface Cleaner, Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Dilutable Cleaner, and Bathroom Cleaner. We also like Seventh Generation products, though I don’t recommend the Automatic Dishwasher Gel. It’s just too gentle and it fails to get your dishes really clean.

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