If you are interested in increasing the number of eco-friendly products that you use in day-to-day life, information will be your best ally. It is impossible for people to maintain their eco-friendly lifestyles without knowing which products will help them and which product will hinder them. Eco-friendly companies are in business to make money just like any other private enterprise and for that reason you should take anything they say with regards to eco-friendly living with a grain of salt. Only proper research will allow you to discover which eco-friendly products are the real deal.
As far as automobiles are concerned, your best resource for eco-friendly information is KBB Green. It is a great resource for people looking to cut down on their emissions and it has all of the information you need in order to make informed decisions when you purchase eco-friendly products in the automotive field. They have recently released their list of best automobiles from a green point of view in 2008 and the Toyota Prius is at the top of that list. This is no real surprise, but you might be surprised by the other nine cars that made the list.
To view the list and to take your first steps toward better knowledge regarding eco-friendly cars, visit the KBB Green website.
[tags]toyota_prius, eco_friendly_products, eco_friendly_cars, grain_of_salt, prius, automobiles, emissions, lifestyles, informed_decisions, toyota, money[/tags]
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