Monitor your Energy Consumption with Wattson

DIY Kyoto has developed a good gadget to aid people in monitoring their energy consumption. One thing about saving as much as you can is knowing how much you are consuming and perhaps identifying which among your appliances are eating up your electric usage.

These days, if you want to live better it would be best to start by controlling utilities expenses like electrical consumption. You may be surprised at how much you can save if you really know how to gauge it. It costs around 100 pounds and is a good one time investment if you want to save for a worthy cause which is for yourself!

“The whole idea is to save money and to save the environment,” Jason Goldman, of DIY Kyoto, told Reuters at the Stuff Live! show. “You find people try to get the reading down as low as possible.”

(Source) Reuters

[tags]electrical_consumption, energy_consumption, worthy_cause, kyoto, goldman, gadget, appliances, money[/tags]

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Monitor your Energy Consumption with Wattson…

DIY Kyoto has developed a good gadget to aid people in monitoring their energy consumption. One thing about saving as much as you can is knowing how much you are consuming and perhaps identifying which among your appliances are eating up your electric …

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