When you take a look at the various insecticides and pesticides of the world, two disturbing facts crop up. One is that the vast majority of the ones that are most effective are actually petrochemical products and this in turn means that every time you use one you increase the addictive hold that oil has over your life. The second fact is that many of the chemicals used in these types of insect killing products are harmful to the environment. You might remove the pest, but the soil and by extension everything else in your area will be negatively affected, even if the actual effect is impossible to see with the naked eye.
While there have been few alternatives available in the past, the present has pheromone-based moth traps. The pheromones that are released by the trap attract insects to fly into the trap where they then land and become trapped within a glue-like substance that is encased on the inside. The trapping is effective and it is done through completely natural chemicals that will do no damage whatsoever to the environment.
It is clean, efficient, effective and best of all only costs $4.99 for a single trap. More information on this innovative solution to pest problems can be found here.
[tags]moth_traps, petrochemical_products, natural_chemicals, pest_problems, innovative_solution, pheromones, insecticides, moth, pesticides, trapping, insect, insects, glue, soil, fly[/tags]
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