Surf Excel Quick Wash Soon to be Demanded WorldWide

Surf Excel Quick Wash Laundry and washing clothes is a routine practice that anyone would do these days. However, emphasis on how to really wash clothes the eco-friendly way is in the air, especially for homes that want to save a lot to conserve water and other resources like detergents from overuse.

Apparently, this was taken into consideration by Unilever when it conceptualized the Surf Excel Quick Wash in India. While it is currently available in India for the meantime, expect it to be requested by many countries who are looking for good alternatives to laundry needs of local consumers today.

Unilever launched Surf Excel Quick Wash in India. The detergent uses half as much water as traditional brands, saving an estimated 14 billion liters of water each year. That’s an important innovation especially for consumers in the dry southern states of India, where water is scarce. The company says sales of the brand are up 27 percent in the first six months of 2008 in India.


[tags]liters_of_water, washing_clothes, detergents, unilever, detergent, laundry, consumers, innovation[/tags]

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I remember using Surf laundry powder while living in India. It’s one of the most popular brands there and cleaned clothes just as good as Tide and Cheer found here in the US.

Have a great weekend!

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