The Solar Rider

Are you a person with an outdoor lifestyle that often enjoys going on trips like camping, biking, hiking, boating and anything else that might place you in closer contact with Mother Nature? Well, if you are that type of person, then you might have noticed that your electronic gadgets seem to not share your tastes and have the bad habit of shutting off just when you need to use them.

Well, the great thing about that is that if you use The Solar Rider whenever you go on such trips, you will never have that problem again. The Solar Rider is a collection of solar panels arranged in a case that you can just snap onto the back of your backpack, allowing them to recharge as you go about your business for the day. Once charged, The Solar Rider can then power anything in the handheld electronics department including iPods, mp3 players, portable GPS devices and pocket personal computing devices as well.

While this device is somewhat expensive at $199.99, the ability to power your electronic devices regardless of the circumstances is something that is surely worth the cost. The peace of mind that comes with knowing that you will always be able to make that emergency cell call when you are in trouble is something that really can’t be priced in any range whatsoever.

More info can be found here.

[tags]bad_habit, camping, computing_devices, electronics_department, electronic_devices, electronic_gadgets, emergency_cell, gps_devices, handheld_electronics, mp3_players, outdoor_lifestyle, personal_computing, solar_panels[/tags]