Consumers will always be looking at the eco-friendly products available in the market. While they solicit proper direction and advice from friends and word of mouth, actually buying them is another problem. Today, most companies are attaching the eco-friendly or green tag to their products to get attention, but as far as actually being green is something else.

For its part, WalMart has placed 29 items in its “Eco” in the “For The Home” section. Ranging from pillows up to towels, these are bound to get much attention and checking out their materials up to the manner of packaging are sure to be the initial thoughts on whether they are really eco-friendly.
(Source) Interior Design
[tags]eco_friendly_products, proper_direction, initial_thoughts, walmart, word_of_mouth, pillows, interior_design, towels, consumers[/tags]
great information, we all need to start doing something to help our environment, if not for us but our kids and grand kids. will link you on my site(‘s)